Twice the productivity -You Times Two Working on your own has its perks. There is no one to argue with about decisions. Deciding where to take the clients to lunch is always a cinch. Payroll is a snap. You get to claim the credit for all of the cool ideas. And like everything in life […]
Despite all the time we spent trying to convince ourselves that mom didn’t understand or that she didn’t know what she was talking about, life has proven, time and again, that she knew everything and was always right. Today we discuss how valuable mom’s admonitions are when we set out to build and manage our […]
by Eli Shine By the time you notice that your business in control of your time, it is not too late to regain that control. You are talented, you had a great business idea – and I want to congratulate you for taking that idea and making it happen! Whatever level your business is at, […]
The following briefly lists 5 ways that, if you let it, your confidence can impact your income. 1) You can let your confidence impact the Proposals you make. By Proposals I just mean offering to be of service/help others. Sometimes people let fear and lack of confidence stop them from approaching a perspective-paying customer. If […]
Eli Shine Power is the ability to create effect. You have power to the extent that you are able to channel your time and energy into the things that create the effects you want in your business and life. Your power is diminished when your time and energy is dissipated and fragmented. Do you remember […]
Setting up Systems for your business can be the difference between success and failure for many small businesses. While you might be able to complete projects and process orders fairly easily when you only have a few clients, as you grow you will find yourself unable to juggle the old clients with the newly […]