5 Quick Tips for Converting Leads to Sales
Converting leads to sales is a matter knowing the next step.
What is your lead follow-up procedure to convert prospects to buyers?
5 lead conversion tips
Be prepared for the sale before the opportunity arises and you will have the best position for closing the sale [click here to tweet].
Just ask for the sale
When a prospect has sought you out and they know what they want, don’t start a complete sales presentation.
Simple ask, “Are you ready to get started?”
Know what you are offering.
Another sure way to secure a new client is to know what you have and what it means to them.
There is nothing worse than dealing with a sales person has no idea what you need and tries to sell you useless option and other items you just are not interested in.
Have well developed packages
Take the work out of working with you.
If you have a product or service that has a lot of options, simplify the sales process by having prepackaged options.
Another good idea is to have a special price for these packages. If your prospect is getting more for less this will also help seal the deal.
Show them you have a solution
Problem – they don’t have something. Solution – you can provide it. Develop a client assessment and use this to fully assess your prospects needs. This is where knowing what you offer comes in.
The Assessment should identify what your prospects exact needs are.
Use this newly acquired information to provide the exact solution to their specific situation.
By demonstrating that you have the right solution will usually close the sale.
Believe in what you’re offering
If you knowing you had something great your enthusiasm will be contagious.
While you’re explaining what you offer, your prospect to either imagining how it applies to them or wondering who to call next.
Knowing exactly what you are offering, will allow you to quick assess their individual needs as well as allow you to quickly suggest your products that are a good fit to their needs.