Date: There is no coincidence that we’re meeting right here, between where you have been up to today and where you want to be. If creating a strategy to get where you need to be is a gray area, I invite you to apply for a no-cost, private ready-for-growth strategy session with me, Carla. Simply enter your details in the form below. This strategy session is for you, if you agree with any of these statements: I’ll bring my (over 20 years of) marketing knowledge to the conversation to ensure you receive real value and are able to leave your session with some clear next steps. So what can you expect from your session? Together, we will review:
Here’s what more you can expect, If you apply and don’t hear back within a week, check your spam filters and add to your inbox. As I just shared, I personally read every word, and if it’s clear that I can bring value to our time together, I will contact you within two or three days to schedule a time that’s most convenient for your schedule. Ready? Enter your details below for your application. I am looking forward to our chat. To Your Success Carla Kroger, Founder and CEO I would love to chat. You can click on the button above to send your question over or email me here: Great! Use this email address: [Free Handbook] From Stranger to Client in 7 Easy Steps
From: Carla Kroger, Founder and CEO, Daily Administration
To: Small Business Owners, Entrepreneurs, and Small Marketing Teams looking to make a bigger impact.You feel you are missing the right focus, actions and support to complete your marketing goals,
You are very busy in your business, but your business seems to be at a standstill and/or
You are currently experiencing slow or no growth and need to refocus to make bigger impact.
What you are currently experiencing and where you would like to grow,
Get you clear on your nearest growth goal to get you there, and
Steps to help you confidently close the gap.
Daily AdministrationDo you have a question about our solutions?
Is your inquiry regarding media appearances, speaking opportunities, interviews or partnerships? Mailing Address
Daily Administration
PO Box 255
Lake Delton, WI 53940
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