5 basic steps to goal setting
Goal setting helps to get things done that needs to get done.
I hope you are off to a good start this week with getting the things you needs done.
As I sat down to write out my weekly goals it dawned on me that the process of creating my to-do list is like second nature. It was not always like this. This was something I developed over the years by training myself to be more focused and tasked oriented.
I thought I would start from the beginning on what could really be beneficial to managing your goals and projects you may have. Having a to-do list allows you to have a clear plan of your goals and is the key ingredient to keeping on task and being productive.
I thought I would share 5 basic steps to goal setting [click to tweet].
1. Write down what you would like to accomplish. Be specific. Keep this realistic and simple
2. Prioritize your list by importance
3. Set completion dates. This could be a day this week or a date some months from now. Setting a time frame will keep you focused and you can easily see your results. Be sure to put it on your calendar.
4. Break it down into bite sized pieces.
5. Get it done!
It is that easy. I created a to-do list (form) to get you started. You can get it here. Once you get #1 checked off your list, keep the ball rolling.
Make it a habit and I am certain that in no time it will become second nature to you too.
Until next week