Do you Have a Paper System In Place?
Having a paper system for papers that flow onto your desk will keep you productive
It really help to have a routine or a paper system to manage the flow of papers on and off your desk.
Even if you are outsourcing projects, you need to make a routine on how you send it out and what you will do when it returns. It really makes for a stress free office.
Back to that paper that took away from your productive time from last week.
If you had a system in place for how papers flow through your office you would spend two minutes max retrieving that document. You need to put a system in place. The simpler the better, this will encourage you to actually put it in place and keep it up.
De-clutter your office with a paperwork simple system [click to tweet]
I have a very simple system. When papers come in to my office I “file” it in one of four ways.
• Trash
• Delegate
• Needs processing (needs to be filled out, mailed, paid for…) or,
• File away ( for things that have been taken care of )
I do this as soon as I open the mail (this includes email).
This reduces the urge to pile things for later.