When You Need Some Motivation


Every once and awhile we just simply need some motivation to get things accomplished.

Motivation is very fickle.  When it is present, we get so much done and we feel like a rock star.  When motivation takes a personal day and leaves us high and dry, the simplest task can look like a mountain.

How do you function when something as important as motivation seems to have a schedule and a mind of its own?

When you have a lack of motivation and yet an abundance of projects to get done, it’s hard to want to get started.

Here are a few tips that can help you persuade motivation to come back and help you plow through your tasks.

1.  Break your task down into smaller pieces.  Once you find the first thing you need to do, break it down into even smaller and simpler tasks.  When you find the actual first step, you have found your starting point.  Starting with a really simple task can provide a little momentum for the next task and then the next.

2.  Announce your goal.  Whether you pull the staff together for a meeting or get on social media, find some way to publicly commit to the task ahead.  We often find a little more motivation when others are fully expecting us to come through.

3.  Create a routine.  Before you sit down to start,  get a fresh cup of coffee and turn on Pandora.  Also,do a few stretches and  grab a quick snack.  Making a routine that settles you into our task can motivate you.

This about what it is that keep you getting up when you are trying to focus. Add these to your routine so that when you are ready to jump into your project you will have less distractions.  The brain likes routine and these simple routines can help train our brain to motivate itself when presented with tedious or even difficult tasks. >>click to tweet<<

4.  Lastly, surround yourself with inspiration.  Make sure your office supplies you with plenty of sources for motivation. Whether it’s a bunch of quotes on sticky notes or talking with a really peppy, go-getter of a colleague. These can add to the general atmosphere of a business.  Motivation is contagious and can quickly spread if given the right environment.

We all struggle at times to get back our motivation for one thing or another. But with these simple steps, you can work to overcome that “blah” feeling and get things done.





Carla Kroger

Carla is the founder and secret weapon behind Daily Administration where she works with small businesses assisting them in establishing manageable marketing strategies that attracts, engages and enrolls clients. Along with the Daily Administration team, she works with her clients to establish processes for profit¬able and repeatable growth.

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