Converting leads to sales is a matter knowing the next step. What is your lead follow-up procedure to convert prospects to buyers? 5 lead conversion tips Be prepared for the sale before the opportunity arises and you will have the best position for closing the sale [click here to tweet]. Just ask for the sale […]
As entrepreneurs we have those days where we are just simply unproductive. That is not what I am referring to here. You remember Superman he could do it all except when he was around Kryptonite. He knew that when he was around this paralyzing substance it would instantly render him unfocused, immobilized and powerless. […]
by Eli Shine By the time you notice that your business in control of your time, it is not too late to regain that control. You are talented, you had a great business idea – and I want to congratulate you for taking that idea and making it happen! Whatever level your business is at, […]
I come from a long line of small business owners. In two out of three cases the generation above me was the second generation, and none of them were able to successfully pass on the business to the next generation. All three were run by immigrants to the US. In one case changes in business […]
The following briefly lists 5 ways that, if you let it, your confidence can impact your income. 1) You can let your confidence impact the Proposals you make. By Proposals I just mean offering to be of service/help others. Sometimes people let fear and lack of confidence stop them from approaching a perspective-paying customer. If […]
Eli Shine Power is the ability to create effect. You have power to the extent that you are able to channel your time and energy into the things that create the effects you want in your business and life. Your power is diminished when your time and energy is dissipated and fragmented. Do you remember […]